Law and Literature in Latin America [guest lecture]

Recht und Literatur in Lateinamerika

Latin American law and literature: feminicidio and literary resistance (zoom)

Invitation to the guest lecture via Zoom on June 21 from 4 to 6 p.m. c.t.

Elena von Ohlen (FU Berlin) will speak about the depiction of feminicidal violence in Latin America in the context of my seminar on “Literary Theory from Latin America” on June 21st. Elena von Ohlen’s interdisciplinary dissertation project – at the interface of literary studies and criminal law – investigates the methods of depicting femicides in contemporary Latin American literature. The online lecture will also deal with the novel 2666 by Roberto Bolaño, in which he is known to deal with the feminicides in Ciudad Juárez.


Please register with me via email:

I will then send you the link for Zoom.


Event posterSeminar Literary Theory from Latin America < /p> • Homepage Elena von Ohlen (FU Berlin)

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